Thursday, December 6, 2012

Your Brain 12 of 12 Repositioning Running in your life

Ahh, it's been a long road to get to #12 of this series, and my apologies but I do get busy. So lets finish up my Using Your Brain Series with the single most important aspect of the entire series.
Using Your Brain 12 of 12 : Repositioning Running in your life.

Lets start with the big picture, your mortality. Ipod 'Dust in the Wind" and lets get perspective here. We are all here for a short visit. Some of you feel you will be running after you are dead. My observations are to the contrary, but if you have some information supporting your position, feel free to present it here as I can blog the subject further; just keep it factual. :>)
There's all sorts of reasons we run. Some run for ego, others for fitness, others spiritual ( I love running misty mornings through California oaks with friends at an easy pace, savoring every step), others for stress relief and on and on. Rather than blather on endlessly, let me share a few bullet points on my experiences:

  1. With global warming nipping at our heels, careers, family issues, and loved ones suffering sickness, debilitation and death, IT's JUST A RUN!!! I have come close to being permanently taken off of the running rolls ( knee replacement), and what I wouldn't give to run while I was down! Have some empathy for those less fortunate, then go out and dedicate a run to one of them, and let them know it.
  2. Whenever you get too tired to hold a schedule, or cranky with your spouse, the kids, work or your loving dog, you have gone OC (obsessive compulsive).  Take a few days off and reflect why that is happening. You may see an ugly side you'd prefer not to acknowledge.
  3. EVERY single run and workout is really really special. Rent League of Their Own ( easily my fav baseball movie, even ahead of Pride of The Yankees), and fast forward to this dialogue:  Jimmy Dugan: I, I gave away five years at the end my career to drink. Five years. And now there isn't anything I wouldn't give to get back any one day of it...... Dottie Hinson: It just got too hard.
    Jimmy Dugan: It's supposed to be hard! If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard... is what makes it great!                                          Be GREAT, just by doing!
  4. Always give a little back. Say hi to a nervous newbie, share a goodie, sit back a mile with a slower runner, sweep a course, offer help in a race to the detriment of your clock time, offer encouragement or ohh and aah at someone's new PR. Organize a run! and so on.
    It's as spiritual as it gets. 
  5.  Nobody really gives a rat's ass about your times. It's funner than crap to crow like a peacock, but just don't believe your own press clippings. YOUR PR MARATHON TIME WILL NOT BE CHISELED ON YOUR GRAVESTONE! But a few folks MIGHT speak of you kindly.
  6. There's a BIG difference between being committed, and being OC. Learn the difference.
  7. You will run your IDEAL race maybe 2 times out of ten. MAYBE. So stop making lame o excuses after the run or race. That's what you did today, under (x) conditions. OWN IT and be comfortable with it. It is YOU and the performance is you're very fabric. We all admire folks comfortable in their own skin.... this is one way to emulate them.
  8. Running is something I do, but it does not define me. Others may think so, but not me.
The more you give, the more you get, especially with hard working, appreciative runners. Now go out and enjoy the day! Fe

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