Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Your Greatest Asset Your Brain 12 steps to Psychological Running

I've been remiss at posts, but my manic meds ran out, so here we go again.....

This starts a new blog on my favorite subject, and the one that separates the men from the boys, and the women from the girls. I recently ran a marathon in which I ran over two much better runners, I am sad to say. They are both very gifted and skilled, a bit younger, train more miles by a lot, and don't have metal in their knees. Yet, at mile 14, there they were, struggling as I passed them. I am sad because I love 'em both, but was able to catch them, and it shouldn't be so. But I just don't run. I THINK and run. I think of how to squeeze more out of my poor,old, bowlegged and reconstructed body. I struggle to keep my expectations in check, and often win on that point.
I am an athlete, who happens to currently be a runner.

I reject dogma unless scientifically proven, and I try (not always successfully)to subordinate my ego to a well thought out game plan. In other sports, like football, basketball, even tennis and mountain climbing, many many hours are spent planning the course of action. Plays are repeated over and over until rote. Muscle memory is drilled into form. Strategies developed and adhered to. Game plans executed.

But in running, the attitude seems to be "let it rip, and lets see how much guts I got!".
But we can't all be Pre, and look what it got him anyways.
I am not of that particular mettle.

Being a wussie, I hate pain, and try to avoid it often, and where feasible. So I actually spend a lot of time using my grey matter to optimize my workouts and my races. I often fail, but less often and in less pain than many others.

So lets talk PSYCH!!!!

1. Managing your expectations
2. Adding periodization to your schedule
3. Preventing overtraining
4. Proper Pace and Negative Splits
5. Don't go OC
6. Irrefutable Signposts for setting pace
7. Course Management
8. Gear preparation
9. Tapering Correctly
10. Body Fuel
11. THE schedule and its components
12. Repositioning Running in your life.

So, there a dozen aspects of running faster, better races, and you haven't left the couch!
My suggestion; extrapolate other activities in your life, where you are already successful, whether sports, business or whatever, and apply them to your running under YOUR terms, not some GGGS (genetically gifted, genetically sifted) run weenie.

As you may know from reading my blogs, I think most training schedules and books are a bit out to lunch, over reaching with too many long runs, and dated in the information presented. Release your preconceived notions, go more with your gut and believe in the counter intuitive methods preached here..... That takes BRAINS, not brawn....Try Speed work, tempo, easy long runs. Then add your brain power to optimize your potential UNDER THE CONDITIONS FOR WHICH YOU CURRENTLY LIVE.

My next posts will elucidate the above dozen topics, or feel free to comment and ask for something additional. Enjoy the day!

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